Random picture for a random post. At least it is my picture. I am saying a little quiet goodbye to my old picturetakingmachine, aka the old Kodak which lived with me for looong 5 years, taking mostly ego-wanker-ish pictures for eeeeevil community servers (let's not name exact ones) .
I am switching to Nikon D40, a low-end DSLR with lame 6mpx (I could give 4 000 more for the next model with 10, but WHY?) but lovely pics and great handling - Julie has this one and I just LOVE stealing it and filling her SD card with my crap. I dont think I will produce any artsy supercool stuff, but I will have a thing to cling to on boring social events. Go me.
Anyways. Right now, I am trying (obsessively) to get a job. I am also generating some (at this point unusable) designs for the Prostitutes, don't want to do it two days before the deadline (which I have not, but.. u know) - this is /like/ serious, duh. Getting a new tablet, hope it will improve my leet skills ten times - those Wacoms are so bloody expensive I hope you just grab the pen and it draws like Kája Saudek instantly.
I am looking forward to the next ep. of Grey's Anatomy. I was intentionally ignoring that show for so long that I am getting a little fanatic about it now (now when the season III House ended). That cutey O'Mully (or whatever the spelling is) dates this awesomely gorgeous plump doctor and it just.. helps...my..ego...
I wonder, if I were on a doctor show, what character would I be? A neurosurgeon obsessed with sex? Sex with young medical students? Eeew, i guess everyone would be scaaaared of me.
OR , I could be that med student. Emotionally sticking to every hot (at least hotTER) patient going through my hands/stetoscope.
Julie would be a technically good, yet too non-emotive doctor.