That's probably why I had this dream of doing fellatio to Šmity last night. Bassists.
Anyways! Had a tiny little free time /before going to the bank and the vet with Sufjan./ so I've made these three /i know it's poor/ icons, feel free to use and leave a comment /yup, I know none of you likes Prostitutes, so why should you/

Šmity looks like Adam K. from Big Cheese, only black haired. And older. If I am off of BC one day, I will get him D:
ja teda doufam ze adam jednou jako smity vypadat nebude....
Ja doufam ze jo, ale obavam se, ze az jemu bude pres tricet, tak ja uz budu dost stary zelezo a on, stejne jako Smity, pujde po ctrnactkach .P
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