Know what does that mean? I can do all that things I actually ENJOY! Like BUTTSECKS! (I mean drawing buttsecks)

I am just thinking... having this extra time, I really should consider getting me a man, but I am terribly picky recently, and if someone seems to be worth it, I cannot force myself into any action.
So if anyone of you almost perfect guys in years 15-30 are seeking a summer romance (I have a photo-allergy though, so no sunbathing, tigers) , just let me know. We can do all this grass-lazing, eskimo kissing, fountain water splashing, non-intellectual movies watching, silliness challenges and dadaistic poetry writing.
Hat shopping.
Tesco nut section stealing.
Lyrics-on-just-three-chords writing.
Lame meals cooking.
The most silly compliment inventing.
Oh. I think I've just made myself kinda sad.
At least I don't have to go to school!
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