Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Guard of the flame

I was waiting so long for the new Hapka + Horáček album and when it finally came out it took me awfully long till I got it.
But it IS beautiful. Horáček is my favourite contemporary poet and Hapka's music suits it, although it may hang on the edge of cliché. The only problem is I am not such a good translator to even try and post something here. I also do believe that translated poem is like a new one, just inspired by the original, so translated ones might be beautiful as well, but they're not IT.

Anyways, I couldn't find any lyrics on the net, so I had to catch my favourite pieces of them and post them here.

Kdo by se díval nazpátek

A knohám sochy otce vlasti
si přisedají holubi
a blázen v plášti naruby
snad pod tím pláštěm kosti chrastí
snad ten chlap spadl do prospasti
jakou je láska nebo vztek
teď však má v očích příliš slunce
než by se díval nazpátek

plášť naruby a všude peří
vím kdo se takhle převléká
to ty se vracíš zdaleka
a zdráháš se jít k vlastním dveřím
a ptáš se, co když neuvěřím
žes hledal na svou úzkost lék
tak dobře, čekej, třeba řeknu
kdo by se díval nazpátek

(And to the feet of father of the nation
the pidgeons come to sit
and a lunatic in a coat inside out
maybe shattering bones under it
maybe he fell into an abyss
like love or rage is
but now his eyes are too full of sun
to look back

The coat inside out and feathers all around
I know ho dresses this way
it's you coming from the distance
and you hesitate if to go to your own door
and you ask, what if I do not believe
you've been seeking for your distress remedy
oh wait, maybe I am gonna say:
"who would look back after all?" )

(So sorry for the translation. I hate it .D )

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